Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back to Practice!

Last Friday I made it to choir practice for the first time since our Christmas concert. The first week of practice, I had a flu bug, the second week the lady I ride with to practice wasn't feeling up to it, the third week she broke a tooth, the fourth week I had a bad head cold, but finally we made it. :) The new music we have started working on for the Fruhlingkonzert (spring concert) in April is really hard, and we haven't even begun work on the music for our trip to Leavenworth, WA. in May for the Maifest. Practice was a lot of fun (there was one song with a lot of "ba ba-aaas" in it, so we joked about sounding like sheep) and it was great to see my friends again.
I still speak hardly any German, but I love singing in foreign languages. Last year we all went to Nanaimo, B.C., Canada for the Nord-Pazifischer Saengerbund (I hope I spelled that right, it means "North-Pacific Song Festival", it is where all of the German choirs if in the northwest meet up for a big concert and a party. (Germans love to party!) We took a bus and a ferry up, two modes of transportation I had never tried before. I have been in the Liedertafel Harmonie for just over a year now, and I have had massive amounts of fun with it. :)

                                    Lieder Madchen

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