Friday, October 14, 2011

Cherished Blog Tour: Interview with Belinda Boring

Today we have none other than Belinda Boring, aka the Bookish Snob herself visiting as part of a blog tour for her own story, Cherished! It is so cool to be interviewing her and reading her stories after talking to her online and participating in several of her tours. :) You can read my review of Cherished here.

Could you describe yourself Twitter-style, 140 characters or less?

*groans a little* Okay I’m going to cheat. I just texted my best friend and I’ll use her description. Ready for it?

@thebookishsnob = #Awesome #Rockstar C it. Believe it. Tell every 1 u know!

Gotta love the support and complete faith, right?

Why werewolves?

Good question! When I set out to write Darcy’s story, I assumed she’d be a vampire because I like to write about what I love to read. But as I started writing Without Mercy, I got a very clear impression who Darcy was and she shared she was a werewolf. It’s sometimes easy to overlook shifters for the sexy, mysterious vampire but they definitely don’t lack for passion. It was really a case of just letting the character decide and I’m excited.

You have given your supernatural characters vulnerabilities and self-doubts that are very human, was that difficult to do?

Not at all. As a reader, I love the flawed heroine and hero. I love seeing that for all the powers and abilities they have, they still have very human moments. Behind all the wonder and glamour, they are subject to their own issues. Would you really believe in a character where nothing affected them? Where they showed very little you could relate to? I know I don’t because it’s in those vulnerabilities and self-doubts that conflict is created and intensity. It’s what sucks me in and I hope it does the same for everyone else!

Is Darcy inspired by any real person?

Not really. She came completely from a dream I had but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the amazing people I have met and surround me have influenced her. I’ll even admit I drew on some of my own experiences to add to her character, especially her reaction to grief. I used some of the emotions I felt losing my beloved best friend two years to tap into what Darcy was feeling and I hope that translated over to the reader.

Have you considered writing a full-length novel featuring Darcy and Mason? (Oh, please, please say yes!)

I’m not sure there will be a full length novel but I do know each Mystic Wolves novella seems to get bigger and bigger. The series originally was meant to be set up as a serial – 10,000 words installments every 4-6 weeks. Someone actually described it as a TV series where you get a weekly snippet and it leaves you wanting more. The thing is what I thought wasn’t necessarily what the characters wanted. They have a story to share. Cherished is over 20,000 words and Blood Oath (if Devlin gets his way) will be close to 30,000. So hmmm…. maybe there will be a full length. I know there are exciting things planned so who knows?

What with blogging, running book tours and writing, how do you find time to get everything done?

I don’t sleep! I agree, just thinking about everything I do makes me tired and I’m fortunate to enjoy what I do. I do have a full schedule so I try to be as flexible as possible in case things come up that need my attention. But most of the time I fly by the seat of my pants! I think in time I’ll need to reevaluate and see where I’m at for the moment, I’m having fun.

Can you give us a hint as to what Darcy and Mason are up to now?

At the moment, they’re trying to figure out how Gary got access to vampire blood. The supernatural community works hard at keeping their existence hidden from humans so it seems unlikely for Gary to just “stumble” upon it. They’ve met up with Devlin, a vampire enforcer and together they’ll uncover a connection that puts them in danger.

But if you’re wanting to know what they’d rather be up to, I’ll tell you! They’re in love and eager for their mating ritual. They’d rather be off roaming the woods together, enjoying each other’s company and of course, stealing a few kisses here and there.

Random Questions:

Coffee or tea? Neither. BLECH!

Night owl or early bird? Night owl

YA or adult? Adult

About the Story: 
For a moment, Darcy almost convinced herself the last twelve hours didn’t happen. As image after image hits her, the sinking realization of all she’s lost overwhelms her and all she can think of is to run. Run far away where her shame can’t find her, and most of all, where she’ll never have to see the look of blame in Mason’s eyes. Feeling like a complete failure, she scrambles to make plans. But the voice of her mate-to-be penetrates her frantic thoughts, asking for the chance to show her just how much she is loved.

It hurts Mason deeply to hear Darcy’s thoughts, knowing the events of the previous night have completely rattled her. Grieving over the death of his beloved sister Jasmine, Mason knows he has to act fast. Darcy is all he’s ever wanted and the idea of life without her is unacceptable. Armed with his unswerving love and wolfish charm, he sets out to remind Darcy just how valuable she is and why there is no one else for him but her.

Can Darcy let go of the shame of failure consuming her or will Mason convince her that after all is said and done, she truly is… Cherished?

About the Author:
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!

Book Buying Links

Follow along the tour for more interviews, guest posts, reviews and giveaways. Next up is The Phantom Photographer on Oct. 15. You should go say hi! On the final stop, enter to win e-copies of Without Mercy and Cherished as well as Blood Oath swag.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today on your blog and for a great interview. I loved being asked the twitter style question and sorry I cheated LOL I hope everyone enjoys Cherished and is excited for more!

    Belinda :)
