Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hope of the Future by Sharon Lathan; Guest Post, Excerpt, and Giveaway!

Today the delightful Sharon Lathan is visiting to share her new book, Darcy and Elizabeth: Hope of the Future, the second of two prequel books to her wonderful Darcy Saga! It has been five years since she last stopped by (see here), so it is awesome to be hosting her again. Enjoy her guest post and an excerpt from Hope of the Future, then enter to win an e-book!

Guest Post:

First and foremost, I must thank Lieder for hosting me on her blog today. It is a pleasure to be here sharing my latest novel with the Songs and Stories readers.

Image result for darcy and elizabethDarcy and Elizabeth: Hope of the Future was released on August 8 and is the second book in the two-volume Darcy Saga Prequel Duo, smoothly continuing where the first volume—Darcy and Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship—left off. These two novels perfectly fit with my Darcy Saga Sequel to Pride and Prejudice, the entire series now including nine lengthy novels and one novella.

Before I dive in to the specifics, let me clear up any confusion on the series names I’ve assigned.
My original sequel series began on Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet’s wedding day . . . or rather on their wedding night, as my debut novel—Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One, published way back in March of 2009—skipped over the wedding ceremony itself. The opening scene was the newlyweds in a traveling carriage minutes before arriving at their honeymoon destination. The subsequent five novels of The Darcy Saga Sequel moved onward in time, covering roughly five years and the birth of their first two children. My one novella—A Darcy Christmas—presented glimpses of the Darcys far into their future through a sequence of vignettes.

Image result for darcy and elizabethThen, in two companion novels, I turned the focus on two beloved secondary characters. Miss Darcy Falls in Love is Georgiana Darcy’s love story, a music-themed romance set in post-Napoleonic Paris. The Passions of Dr. Darcy is the story of Mr. Darcy’s Uncle George (a character wholly of my creating). In an epic tale set primarily in India and spanning over thirty years, I explored the broad ranging Darcy family, including precious moments of Mr. Darcy from infancy to adulthood.
At the completion of George’s incredible tale, I inexplicably heard my handsome muse urging me to backtrack to the betrothal months I had skipped over. I’m honestly not 100% sure why I was lead in this direction. In part, I believe it was delving into the “past” generations of Darcys as I had extensively done when writing George Darcy’s saga. Another way to state it is that the entire clan had burrowed into my heart, so many of them begging to have their voices heard. In fact, this journey back in time aided me tremendously.

After spending years writing into the future of the Darcys—and their friends and family—flashing back to the engagement months was odd to a degree, but not as much as it probably would have been if not for having done so for Dr. Darcy. Picking up bits and pieces from the past had grown natural. As I continued to expand upon the Darcy family ancestry and the personalities of characters long since deceased by the time of Pride and Prejudice, the desire to complete the arc for the two central characters felt necessary. Leaving the two months between Mr. Darcy’s second, successful marriage proposal and the honeymoon a mystery haunted me as a glaring gap.

The result is the “prequel to the sequel” a two-volume set! For more information about all of my novels, please visit my website. Read on for the backcover blurb and synopsis for each novel of the
Darcy Saga Prequel Duo.

Image result for darcy and elizabeth a season of courtshipDarcy and Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship (Darcy Saga Prequel Book #1) 
by Sharon Lathan

Accepting a marriage proposal is only the beginning.

Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are betrothed! How did Lady Catherine restore Mr. Darcy’s hope to prompt his second proposal? Did Caroline Bingley yield gracefully? Were the Bennets and Meryton citizens approving?

Readers of The Darcy Saga have shared in the romance, life, and marital escapades of Mr. and Mrs. Darcy. Now the “prequel to the sequel” recounts the weeks in between as two new lovers prepare for happily ever after. Embark on the journey as Darcy and Elizabeth overcome the rocky past and discover the depth of their love. Delight in budding passion and sweet romance. Enjoy the wedding planning and adventures during the initial weeks of their engagement.

This novel begins with their chance encounter on a misty moor in Hertfordshire when Mr. Darcy proposed for the second time, and covers the first month of their engagement. Amongst the moments detailed in depth, we learn exactly what transpired when Lady Catherine de Bourgh told Mr. Darcy about her confrontation with Elizabeth. We join Lizzy as she discusses her choice of man with her father, and how the remaining members of her family take the news. We revisit scenes touched upon briefly in The Darcy Saga novels—such as the surprise meeting at Willow Bench—in greater depth. We dig inside the mind of Caroline Bingley, and how she plots to steal Darcy away.

Told from the point of view of both characters, discover how they grow to truly love and understand one another. Feel the awakening of new love and desire as they tentatively explore those feelings.
And, of course, we must not forget Mr. Bingley and Jane! The courtship period is not a boring one, to be sure, this novel ending on a dramatic note with a passionate exchange between our main two lovers while in London.

The initial month of their Season of Courtship has passed. Together, the lovers strengthened their bond through honest communication, as they dealt with adversity, jealousy, and distrust. Ever growing in mutual love and understanding, a dramatic confrontation broke through the final barriers. 
Now their Hope of the Future “happily ever after” is assured! As long as Lady Catherine can be stopped in her scheme to interfere, that is. Or, will Mrs. Bennet’s bad advice ruin future marital felicity? Might increasing liberation lead to overwhelming passions that cannot be controlled, with catastrophe a result? 

Amongst the moments detailed in depth, find out what Lady Catherine is plotting to thwart Darcy’s marriage, and what the consequences of her actions are. Travel with the two betrothed couples on an extensive tour of London, including lots of shopping! Watch Lizzy dazzle Darcy’s relatives, while also dealing with her fears and sadness over leaving the only home she has ever known. 

Delight in the wedding plans which culminate, of course, in “the wedding of the year” in Hertfordshire! You are there, at the ceremony as the sacred vows bonding Fitzwilliam Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet are said. 

This novel ends exactly where Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One begins: In a carriage with the newly married couple on their way to enjoy their honeymoon... and the rest of their "happily ever after" life!

Purchasing links—

Image result for darcy and elizabeth a season of courtshipDarcy and Elizabeth: Hope of the Future (Darcy Saga Prequel Book #2) 
by Sharon Lathan

Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet will soon be joined in Holy Matrimony!

Delight in their flourishing romance, ride along on their escapades in London, and be a witness at the wedding of the century. The miraculous design of how Two Shall Become One begins before the sacred vows.

Continuing the tale precisely where Season of Courtship ended, discover how the relationship between the two lovers changed after their dramatic exchange at Darcy House in London. As they continue to fall deeper in love and more comfortable with each other, passionate desire escalates, leading to new trials to endure! 

Purchasing links—

Excerpt from Darcy and Elizabeth: Hope of the Future:

“You surprise me, Mr. Darcy.”

“In what way?”

“I would not have suspected you to be tolerant of anything less than strict discipline amongst your staff. I mean no offense yet must confess my image was of you as more controlling. Now I see clearer what Mrs. Reynolds meant in her exalting praise of you as a master.”

“She is a kind woman,” he replied in an embarrassed mumble. “No, I am not offended, my dear. I suppose if not for my grandfather I probably would be more controlling. His leadership style and belief were that, in general, servants and tenants want a master who sets the rules, listens to their concerns, assists when necessary, but otherwise leaves them alone to do their jobs. What do I know about being a butler? Or cook? Or farmer for that matter? Even in those areas I do have more knowledge, specifically our horses, I respect the experience of the grooms and breeders who live and breathe thoroughbreds. Hire capable people, my grandfather said, then you can sit back and relax. Not that he ever relaxed.”

“Nor do you, I suspect.”

He shrugged. “Too much relaxation makes one fat and dulls the wits. My expectations for my sex are more stringent than those for yours, if you can believe it.” Lizzy laughed as she nodded. “On the subject of accomplished women, did my sister perform brilliantly as hostess today?”

“Beyond brilliant.” Lizzy described their afternoon, up to and including Georgiana’s humorous remembrance of meeting Mr. Bingley for the first time. “She is a dear girl, William. Truly. I am grateful for today’s opportunity to know her better.”

“Georgie was nervous. We share the common flaw of not easily conversing with unfamiliar people. As you have wisely noted numerous times, practice is the key to improvement.” His salacious grin let her know he was not referring only to conversation. “This afternoon provided an opportunity for my sister, as well as for me.”

“I detected scant nervousness and conversation was never a problem.” Lizzy wisely left the kissing-practice reference alone. “My conclusion is that neither of you is as flawed as you think.”

“I will concede this is partially true. Except for when around beautiful women I want to impress.”

“Women?” She stressed the plural and raised one eyebrow.

“Yes, sadly. Although with you I was especially tongue-tied and horrid when I did speak.”

“Well, you are managing quite capably now, Mr. Darcy, and since you no longer need to impress other women, future interactions promise smoother sailing.”

If he discerned the sharp edge to her tone, he did not comment on it. Instead, he slapped one hand onto his thigh, declaring as he rose from the sofa, “Speaking of impressing people and ease in conversation, I have an invitation to share. My uncle and aunt, Lord and Lady Matlock, are lately arrived in London and have expressed a desire to meet the woman who has captured my heart. They have invited us, and Mr. Bennet, of course, to dine with them tomorrow. They have a townhouse on Saint James’s Square…”

He rambled on, Lizzy watching him sift through several papers on his desk before selecting a folded foolscap with a broken wax seal. Presumably it was the invitation, but Lizzy’s attention wandered to the view of his backside, as it was the first time she’d seen it uncovered by his jacket.

She had never exhibited interest in a gentleman’s posterior and, like many revelations during the past weeks, was amazed how enticing the angle. Even as she lost herself in the emotions stirred by her fiancé’s masculine figure, an academic portion of her brain analyzed whether it was his form causing her heart to pound or merely maturity and awakening desires in a general sense.

Then he bent over to grab the ledger off the floor, the fabric tightening and outlining his firm buttocks and muscled back in a highly pleasant manner, and the answer was immediately clear. Realizing how ridiculous the question was in the first place, Lizzy nearly laughed aloud. She did not have to clinically line up a dozen jacketless men bending at the waist to know that none of them would affect her as William did.

The direction of her gaze did not shift speedily enough when he pivoted about, so her expression undoubtedly revealed at least a portion of her musings. Darcy’s commentary—which Lizzy had not heard a word of—faltered slightly and a faint rosiness spread across his cheeks. He said nothing about her intimate ogling, thankfully, handing the invitation to her while resuming his report.

Image result for sharon lathanAbout Sharon Lathan:

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. Her first novel, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One, was published in 2009. Sharon’s series of “happily ever after” for the Darcys now totals nine full-length novels and one Christmas themed novella.

Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship and Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future complete the “prequel to the sequel” duo recounting the betrothal months before the Darcy Saga began.

Sharon is a native Californian relocated in 2013 to the green hills of Kentucky, where she resides with her husband of over thirty years. Retired from a thirty-year profession as a registered nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care, Sharon is pursuing her dream as a full-time writer.

Sharon is a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America, JASNA Louisville, the Romance Writers of America (RWA), the Beau Monde chapter of the RWA, and serves as the website manager and on the board of the Louisville Romance Writers chapter of the RWA.

Sharon is the co-creator of Austen Authors, a group blog for authors of Austenesque literary fiction. Visit at: 

Connect with Sharon at the following places—
Website/blog - Facebook at SharonLathan,Novelist - Twitter @SharonLathan - 
Pinterest  SharonLathan62


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Blog Tour: Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti - Top 5 Action Heroes + Giveaway!

Now, everyone who has ever read a Rebecca Zanetti book knows she writes a dang good action hero. They are brave and tough...with lovable, gooey centers if you know where to look. Today, she is sharing five of her favorite action heroes!

Top 5 Favorite Action Heroes

  1. Ronon Dex
  2. Indiana Jones
  3. Dean Winchester
  4. Steve MacGarrett
  5. Jean Luc Picard

Definitely a fun and eclectic mix! She's got sci-fi, a good old-fashioned adventurer, a monster hunter, a cop and a space captain. I confess I have never seen Ronon Dex in action, but Dean Winchester and Indiana Jones have been two of my favorites for years. Please comment and tell me who your favorite action heroes are, whether they are featured in movies, tv, or Rebecca Zanetti's books! And don't forget to check out her new book, Lethal Lies, and enter the giveaway!


Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Series: Blood Brothers, #2
On Sale: May 16, 2017
Publisher: Forever
Trade Paperback: $14.99 USD
eBook: $5.99 USD

“4 1/2 stars! Top pick! This is a true thriller that will keep readers frantically flipping the pages as death and danger come at the protagonists from several directions.  Zanetti's brilliance at storytelling is on full display...When it comes to high-octane thrillers, they don't get better than Zanetti!” —RT Book Reviews on LETHAL LIES

“Zanetti’s stories are always woven with vivid detail and a breakneck pace. As a reader, there’s really no time to draw a peaceful breath until the story ends. Lethal Lies is another winner.” –Heroes & Heartbreakers on LETHAL LIES
“Zanetti balances the adventure and menace of Zara and Ryker's lives with a relatable romance. The result is a story that's sexy and emotional, and filled with a rich look at love in all its forms.” —The Washington Post on DEADLY SILENCE
“Budget your time, readers, because this is one that's hard to put down.” — Heroes & Heartbreakers on DEADLY SILENCE

A deadly secret can't stay buried forever . . .

Revenge. It's the only thing that will help Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars—even use herself as bait to lure him out of hiding. But she can't do this alone.

Private investigator Heath Jones's job is to bring bastards to justice. This time it's personal. He knew the Copper Killer's latest victim so when her sister asks for his help, he's all in. But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath's identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, secrets buried long ago are coming to light and the forces determined to destroy him are watching Heath's every move, waiting to exact their own revenge. And they'll use anything and anyone to get to Heath.


Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher's Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks  for several of her novels.  She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat...and a huge extended family.  She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off...and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.





Thursday, April 20, 2017

Teaser Blitz & Giveaway: Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti

I have been a long-time fan of Rebecca Zanetti's novels, so it is my great pleasure to be a part of this teaser blitz! Learn all there is to know about the newest addition to her Blood Brothers series, read an excerpt, and enter to win a copy! 


Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Series: Blood Brothers, #2
On Sale: May 16, 2017
Publisher: Forever
Trade Paperback: $14.99 USD
eBook: $5.99 USD

“4 1/2 stars! Top pick! This is a true thriller that will keep readers frantically flipping the pages as death and danger come at the protagonists from several directions.  Zanetti's brilliance at storytelling is on full display...When it comes to high-octane thrillers, they don't get better than Zanetti!” —RT Book Reviews on LETHAL LIES
“Zanetti balances the adventure and menace of Zara and Ryker's lives with a relatable romance. The result is a story that's sexy and emotional, and filled with a rich look at love in all its forms.” —The Washington Post on DEADLY SILENCE
“Budget your time, readers, because this is one that's hard to put down.” — on DEADLY SILENCE

A deadly secret can't stay buried forever . . .

Revenge. It's the only thing that will help Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars—even use herself as bait to lure him out of hiding. But she can't do this alone.

Private investigator Heath Jones's job is to bring bastards to justice. This time it's personal. He knew the Copper Killer's latest victim so when her sister asks for his help, he's all in. But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath's identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, secrets buried long ago are coming to light and the forces determined to destroy him are watching Heath's every move, waiting to exact their own revenge. And they'll use anything and anyone to get to Heath.


“All the more reason to get you out of town,” Heath said quietly.
She shook her head. “No. I’m staying.” Her words were brave, but her chest hurt. No way could she deal with a serial killer all on her own. She could train every day for the rest of her life and not end up as practiced or as deadly as Heath already was, and she knew it. “I understand you have other cases and people after you. So leave, and I’ll handle this myself.”
“Those are big words, baby,” he said softly.
Her lip quivered, and she bit down on it. “I know. I promised her, Heath. It’s all I have left to give to her.”
He paused, understanding crossing his expression. “Ah, sweetheart. Your sister wouldn’t want that for you.” His voice turned velvety and soft. Soothing.
Anya nodded. “I know. But she was my sister. We shared blood and part of a childhood. She took me trick-or-treating when I was five, and it’s one of my best memories. Then when I needed help as an adult, she didn’t hesitate. She came to me right away, like family. She was the first person I really cared about in far too long, and it hurts like hell that I got her killed.”
He breathed out, the emotion in his eyes deepening.
She swallowed. “I have to do this for her. Either you understand that or you don’t.”
“Why don’t you just let us handle it?”
She pressed her point. “I could, but you need me. I’m the bait.” Inwardly, she winced at the description. That wouldn’t help her to convince him. “Also, here’s the deal. This could be a long op. At some point, you have to leave and deal with whatever is haunting you from your past. When you do, I’ll just challenge him again, and next time you won’t be around to assist.”
“That’s extortion,” Heath said, amusement curving his lip.
She grinned. “Apparently I’m getting quite good at it.”
Heath shook his head. “You’re putting me in an untenable position, baby.”
“No, I’m not.” She shrugged out of his hold. Finally. “I’m not yours to protect, Heath. We’re not together, and we’re not responsible for each other.” The words sliced through her even as she said them. “You’ve been more than clear on that score.”
“There’s something here, Anya. Maybe something real and lasting, if I get everything done I need to do.”
She blinked. “What’s that?”
“The less you know the better. Believe me.”
“What a bunch of bullshit. Go back to your ‘This is fake’ proclamation,” she all but yelled. “Your position is one of work . . . and this is just work.”
His chin lifted. “You think this is just work?” The tone—low and filled with tension—zinged through her body.
Her legs trembled with the urge to take a step back. “Yes.”
“Want me to prove otherwise?” His eyes darkened to the color of the sky right before midnight hit.
As a threat, as a warning, it was damn good. But she’d gone too far to give in now. “You can’t.” Yeah, she’d just waved a red flag in front of a bull.
He didn’t move a muscle. His focus on her was so absolute, she wanted to squirm. “You’re into challenging dangerous men these days, aren’t you?”
She kept her stance. “You’re not all that dangerous, Heath.”
His smile stole her breath. Then he moved. Faster than she could track, he had her by the armpits and up in the air as he carried her toward the bedroom with such speed that her legs automatically wound around to clasp his rib cage. By the time she sucked in air to protest, her butt was on the bed, and he was flattening himself over her.
She struggled, her body on fire, fighting the urge to laugh out loud.
His mouth crushed hers, and she stilled.
True danger.


Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher's Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks  for several of her novels.  She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat...and a huge extended family.  She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off...and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.





Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nina Croft Guest Post: The Blending of Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Today I am so happy to have Nina Croft visiting! I have loved her Dark Desires series since before it was called the Dark Desires (see my review of the first four books when they were just starting to change the name here) and devour each new story as soon as I can get my hands on it. One of the things I have always loved most about it was the perfect blend of science fiction and fantasy. There is a vampire sharing a ship with a genetically modified plant lady, time travelling dragons, cyborgs, and werewolves. It's the best of both worlds! So, today I am sharing a post from Ms. Croft about the sci-fi and fantasy worlds that inspired her.

Top 10 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Worlds

There are so many fantasy and sci-fi worlds that have inspired me over the years. Fantasy has been my favorite genre since I first read Lord of the Rings a long, long time ago. And sci-fi became a close second when I fell in love with Han Solo as a teenager.

But here are the books, films and TV shows that I return to again and again and which constantly inspire me…

1. Dr Who – I’ll start with this as it was the first science fiction or fantasy world I came across. I’ve been watching the show for as long as I’ve been watching TV, and growing up, all I ever wanted to be was the Doctor’s assistant. It’s a world built to keep going (the regeneration aspect is just brilliant.) Doctor Who recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and it gets better and better.

2. Lord of the Rings – I first read this when I was about ten years old, and I remember the wonder of being immersed in a different world. It’s still a favorite and I loved the movies (Aragorn—sigh).

3. Aliens – Best sci-fi film ever!

4. Star Wars – Han Solo! I need say no more. Except that it’s a fabulous adventure story and a wonderful world.

5. Walking Dead –I love post-apocalypse stories. The end of the world as we know it, add some hot guys, and what more could you want?

6. Anne Bishop’s Black Jewell’s Trilogy. For world building, I think this is up there with The Lord of the Rings. Rich, sensual; she brings her fantasy world to brilliant life.

7. Dune – by Frank Herbert. Science fiction at its best. One of my favorite books and one I go back and read again and again. The world is so complex but so totally believable.

8. Game of Thrones – I’m totally in love with the TV series and still have the books to look forward to. Another example of complex and believable world-building.

9. Narnia by C.S. Lewis – Another I read first as a child and still return to.

10. Firefly – And I’ll finish with the best TV show ever and the main inspiration behind my Dark Desires series! I was watching this (for about the third time) when I decided I wanted to write a space opera, complete with a crew of misfits, and the Dark Desires series came into being.

Check out the newest book in the Dark Desires series:

Flying Through Fire
by Nina Croft
Dark Desires #6

About the Book:

For ten thousand years he’s done his duty. Now he wants something for himself…

Winged monsters have been seen in the skies, and a pestilence follows in their wake, threatening the very survival of mankind. Only the crew of the Blood Hunter knows where they come from, and only one man has the power to send them back—Thorne, a human/dragon hybrid in possession of mental powers beyond comprehension.

Candace Decker doesn’t need anyone to look after her—she’s a badass werewolf more than capable of protecting herself and those she loves. All the same, she’s always been drawn to Thorne’s strength. In an uncertain world, he’s the one man who makes her feel safe. And what Candy wants, she usually gets.

But while Candy is tenacious, Thorne’s willpower has been honed over ten thousand years. He might want her, but the last thing he needs is an infatuation with a young, impetuous werewolf. Candy makes him lose control, and that could have disastrous consequences.

As the threat escalates and they become separated by time and space, Candy must find a way back to him, because while Thorne alone has the power to defeat the dragons, only together can they finally bring peace to the universe.


Amazon - B&N - iBooks - Kobo - Goodreads

About the Author:

Growing up in the cold, wet, north of England, Nina Croft spent a lot of time dreaming of faraway sunnier places and ponies. When she discovered both, along with a whole load of other things, could be found between the covers of a book, her life changed forever.

Later, she headed south, picked up the perfect husband along the way, and together they volunteered to work in Africa. There they discovered a love of exotic places and a dislike of 9-5 work. Afterward they spent a number of years travelling (whenever possible) intermingled with working (whenever necessary.) Eventually they stumbled upon a remote area in the mountains of southern Spain and the small almond farm they now call home.

Nina spends her days reading, writing and riding her mare, Gencianna, under the blue Spanish skies—sunshine and ponies. She reckons this is proof that dreams really can come true if you want them enough.

Connect with Nina:

Website - Twitter - Facebook - Pinterest - Facebook - Goodreads - Newsletter

Thank you to Entangled Publishing for putting this promo tour together.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Book Review: Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Genre: Fantasy / Romance / Urban Fantasy / Paranormal

Ages: 16 and up

Note: So, I haven't written a review in a long time. I have meant to, but work and my own writing have taken precedence lately. This book, however, made me so mad that I had to write a review just so I could stop complaining about it to everyone in my immediate vicinity (plus, it practically wrote itself in about 10 minutes I was so mad). I hate to do it, because Ms. Kenyon has long been a favorite of mine (particularly her League novels), but it had to be done. There are mild spoilers in this review.


Centuries ago, Illarion was betrayed– a dragon made human against his will, then forced to serve humanity as a dragonmount in their army, and to fight for them in barbaric wars, even while he hated everything about them. Enslaved and separated from everyone he knew and from his own dragon brothers, he was forced into exile in a fey realm where he lost the only thing he ever really loved.
Now he has a chance to regain what’s been lost― to have the one thing he covets most. But only if he gives up his brothers and forsakes the oaths he holds most dear. Yet what terrifies him most isn’t the cost his happiness might incur, it’s the fact that there is just enough human in his dragon’s heart that he might actually be willing to pay it and betray everything and everyone– to see the entire world burn in Dragonmark, the next blockbuster Dark-Hunter novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon.

My Thoughts:

I cannot remember the last time I felt so disappointed and angry after reading a book. I love Sherrilyn Kenyon, have read all of her books including the out of print, difficult to find ones. Not all of them have been great, but Dragonmark was just...bad.

I was so excited when I started Dragonmark, wondering what twists and turns and new character angst she would spring on me this time. It started out okay. Edilyn and Illarion were sweet and fun, if not quite as deep or exciting as I was hoping for. If there was less intensity to their story than Kenyon's usual style, though, I was sure that would improve as they became more developed. I just did not realize that development was never going to come. Instead, the hero and heroine become separated and almost the entire remainder of the book is a nearly word for word repeat of scenes from the previous two books in the series, with only the most halfhearted attempt to show them from Illarion's perspective. I waited for some sort of great personal revelations on Illarion's part to justify this, as there were in Styxx, but there was nothing. At the very end - and by that I mean the last thirty pages or so - there was finally a return to new material, but it was far too late to save this book.

What bothered me nearly as much as this lazy recycling, was the knowledge that if anyone picked up this book as their first Dark-Hunter series, it would look like an insane mish-mash of partial stories. It assumes that you have read the previous two books, Son of No One and Dragonbane, and yet it repeats them anyway. My first experience with the series was Acheron and, while I definitely missed out on some references, it at least made sense as a cohesive story.

If Illarion and Edilyn's story had been a novella containing the first 150 and last 30 pages with only a tiny bit of what came between, or if it instead followed Edilyn's POV, which sounded pretty interesting in the tiny glimpse I got of it, this book would have been fine. Nowhere near the best in the series, but anything would have been better than this. I went from eagerly hoping for books about a dozen or so other characters in the DH world to hoping Kenyon hurries up and brings on the apocalypse she's been threatening for so long so she can focus on the Chronicles of Nick and League novels, since she clearly has little interest in actually writing new DH material.

I will still be reading Ms. Kenyon's books - I LOVED Born of Legend and Invision, which makes it all the more surprising that this book was so bad - but the anticipation I always felt upon opening one of her books will now be tempered by fear that it will turn out to be another Dragonmark.

1 (mild) through 10 (extreme).

Probably a 7-8. I was honestly too horrified to pay much attention to swearing. Lots of mid-level words, a couple of f-bombs at least.

I'd rate it a 6. It was pretty mild for a Kenyon book; only a couple of semi-descriptive scenes.

I rate it a 5 for some fighting and death, but, as with the sexuality, it was pretty mild by Kenyon standards.

                                      Lieder Madchen